*This post may include affiliate links that could earn me commission, but will do so at no extra charge to you. The Plot 500 years after humans and dragons lived in peace together, a disastrous force, Druun, tore the land of Kumandra apart, sowing division and...
Plot Taking place after the events of The Rise of Skywalker, this short film follows Rey as she travels with BB-8 to gain a deeper knowledge of the Force. In doing so, she leaves her friends on the Millennium Falcon to prepare for the Wookie Festival called Life Day....
Plot Mulan, a warrior at heart, goes to war in place of her father after the Emperor summons the Imperial Army to defend their country against an evil warlord. Film Review This is not the Mulan of the ’90s, let’s just get that out of the way now. Not that...
The Lion King Plot A remake of the classic 1994 animated film, The Lion King breathes new life into the story of Simba, a young lion cub who is exiled from his home after the death of his father Mufasa at the hands of his uncle, Scar. As time goes on, Simba must learn...
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