The Plot Jungle Cruise, set in 1917, is an adventure romp where a British scientist (Emily Blunt) hires a riverboat captain (Dwayne Johnson) to take her and her brother (Jack Whitehall) through the jungle to try and discover a tree of life she wants to use to advance...
The Plot A young sea monster named Luca ventures to the surface and learns about the beauty of the world, friendship, and conquering your fears. All while discovering the wonder of life above the surface of the water. My Take Pixar has grown so much over the last...
*This post may include affiliate links that could earn me commission, but will do so at no extra charge to you. Plot Fashion genius Estella “Cruella” de Vil (Emma Stone) embarks on a quest of revenge against the evil Baroness von Hellman (Emma Thompson) in this origin...
*This post may include affiliate links that could earn me commission, but will do so at no extra charge to you. The Plot 500 years after humans and dragons lived in peace together, a disastrous force, Druun, tore the land of Kumandra apart, sowing division and...
Plot Taking place after the events of The Rise of Skywalker, this short film follows Rey as she travels with BB-8 to gain a deeper knowledge of the Force. In doing so, she leaves her friends on the Millennium Falcon to prepare for the Wookie Festival called Life Day....
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